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Fighting spirit, years spent playing as a team and a firm belief in their own ability: that's what the players from Chile are pinning their hopes on. The team's target is a medal at the 2011 Fistball WCH in Austria.

Despite the stiff competition offered by Brazil, Germany, Switzerland and the host nation Austria, the young team from Chile hopes to make the most of its role as underdogs to spring what would be a major surprise. The goal the Chilean national squad has set itself is clear: to win a medal. To make this dream come true the entire team underwent a rigorous training schedule last year. The players took part in weekly strength training and endurance training and worked on their technique together to ensure that they are in peak condition in August 2011. International Rodrigo Böttger believes these sessions have paid dividends: "The tough training sessions four times a week have led to a marked improvement in the standard and performance of all our players," he says. But the defender sees his team's biggest asset in the almost instinctive understanding the players have. Because all the squad members play for the same club (S.V. Manquehue) they have evolved into a close-knit whole whose members know they can rely on each other. "We're not only good friends on the court, but off it, too!" And steps have also been taken to guarantee a good atmosphere at the World Championships. The team has its own fan club that will accompany the players to Austria to cheer them on from the sidelines.

The Chileans put the finishing touches to their preparations at the Raiffeisen Obersee Masters in Jona last weekend. With their line-up finally completed by the arrival of attacker Joaquín Mödinger (currently under contract at TV Stammheim) the South American team put in some fantastic performances, which gained them 8th place in the elite men's tournament, and caught the eye amid the national teams of Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Namibia and the USA. Chile sees title holders Austria as the clear favourites for gold, having, as Rodrigo Böttger believes, not only outstanding individual players but also home advantage.

Team Chile
