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Team player Christian Zöttl in "Give Me Five" Star Talk

12.03.11, Linz - Christian Zöttl, currently in the 25-man squad for the 2011 Fistball World Championship, answered questions for the "Give Me Five" Star Talk. Read on to find out how he is preparing himself for the 2011 Fistball WCH.

About the player:

Name: Christian Zöttl
Date of birth: 14.06.1981
Nationality: Austrian
Position: Defender

What are YOUR highlights before 2011?

I will have more training sessions than usual leading up to the WCH. I'm aiming to put the finishing touches to my WCH preparations in the training camp in Brazil, the Austrian Bundesliga and at the IFA Cup.

Who are your favourites for the WCH?

Austria's my big favourite. Having said that, the fact that we Austrians will be playing on home ground and are also defending champions on top of that means that we will have to be very careful. Good mental preparation will be extremely important for this.

Who do YOU think are currently the TOP FIVE fistballers in the world?

Jean Andrioli, Austria, Union Schick Freistadt - left spiker
Joao Videlis, Brazil, FG Grieskirchen Pötting - right spiker
Dao Schmidt, Brazil, Ginastica Novo Hamburgo - setter
Manuel Sieber, Switzerland, FB Widnau - left defender
Einsiedler Stefan, Austria, FG Grieskirchen Pötting - right defender

What does the WCH slogan "Give Me Five" mean to you?

Team spirit - exactly what you need for a successful WCH. In an event that lasts a whole week the harmony in the team has to be perfect - both on and off the field.

Some personal insights:

I hope it will be a summer to remember!

Team player Christian Zöttl in "Give Me Five" Star Talk
